• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Barbicalero
  • hace 5 años

1. A Do you fancy watching that movie?
B: No, I've ___ seen it twice.
2 I haven't tried the new cream___.
3. I don't want to go to France. I've___ been there before.
4. A: It says that the bus leaves at 1:10. It's 1:12 now.
B Oh no! It has ___left!
5. Has she found her keys ___?
6. You didn't miss much. The play has___started.
7. Haven't you done a bungee jump___? You've got to try. I've___done it and
I loved it.
8. It's not too late. You can still join us. We've ___begun the game.
9. She's___been to Africa so now she knows how to prepare for the journey
10. I haven't told her about our wedding___.​


Respuesta dada por: dennysamayamejia13


b) i've not seen it twice

2) yet

3) I've not been there before

b) it has been left.

5) yet

6) the play has been started.

7) yet I've not done

8) we"ve not begun

9)she has been

10) yet


solo pon eso en los espacios, espero te ayude.

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