• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: angelina3331
  • hace 5 años

3) Practicar formando oraciones negativas mirando el ejemplo que ya está resuelto:
a) “ I got up late in the morning.” “ I DIDN’T get up late in the morning.” (agregué DIDN’T y pasé el
verbo GOT a la 1° columna nuevamente)
b) “I had breakfast with your family.”
c) “She helped her mum with the cooking.”
d) “He went out for lunch.”
e) “They did their homework.”
f) “Sarah and kevin watched a movie.”
g) “Mike read a book.”
h) “You sent e-mails to your teachers.”
i) “We visited our grandparents.”
j) “My friends and I played football.”
k) “I went to bed before 11.”


Respuesta dada por: cancimancedavid82


b) “I didn't have breakfast with your family.”

c) “She didn't help her mum with the cooking.”

d) “He didn't go out for lunch.”

e) “They didn't do their homework.”

f) “Sarah and kevin didn't watch a movie.”

g) “Mike didn't read a book.”

h) “You didn't sent e-mails to your teachers.”

i) “We didn't visite our grandparents.”

j) “My friends and I didn't play football.”

k) “I didn't go to bed before 11.”

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