• Asignatura: Historia
  • Autor: rsheyla714
  • hace 5 años

ayudame ES DE INGLES cofaa y le doy coronita :D​


yulianDX: ...
yulianDX: :v
yulianDX: No endiendo


Respuesta dada por: Anónimo


1 This is jimmy 2 he is wearing a t shirt and shorts today 3 He is eating an apple at the moment.

4 Jimmy likes fruits and vegetables

5 he eats some everyday

6 Jimmy knows that appples are good for his health

7 These are Lizzie and Timmy

8 Linda is Tim's sister

9 at the moment, they are sitting on the floor

10 Tim is holding a book right now, he is reading a story to Lizzie

11 Lizzie is listening carefully and she is looking at the pictures

12 Lizzie loves Tim's stories

13 He reads a story to lizzie everyday

14 Tim sometimes even writtes his own stories


Corazon uwu me maté escribiendo

rsheyla714: te lo agradezco uwu
Anónimo: y coronita aa
rsheyla714: te doy coronita cuando escruba otro por que no me sale :v
rsheyla714: listo ^.^
yulianDX: ^ ^
yulianDX: Que bien
yulianDX: me gusta que la gente se sienta bien pues no tengo corazón ^ ^
yulianDX: Doy lo mejor de mi, suerte ^ ^
rsheyla714: :) buena persona xd
yulianDX: No tengo sentimientos pero gracias de corazón
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