• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: MarcelaVillara1
  • hace 9 años

Ayuuuuuuudaaaaaaaa de verdad es SUPER urgente!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In a paper that you will place in your folder; write sentences using the following transitional words or subordinating conjunctions; remember that you will have to write two sentences when using them.

As a result
In contrast

mateoreina12: lo buscaste en traductor?
MarcelaVillara1: si
mateoreina12: y no ?
MarcelaVillara1: si lo entiendo pero no se como hacer las oraciones
Alexander7HR: Es frase o oración?


Respuesta dada por: NAHIRPRINCESS
1.- However:  I was working all day long however Im not tired now.
I said that I would go to the `party. However I never said what time I would come.

2.-As a result: As a result of the second world war, many people died.
As a result ofmy hard work a got an A on my math quiz.
3.- Untill: I want to go to the beach and stay there until monday.
I waited for Mary until ten o`clock.

4.-Although: Although he has many problems, he is a good friend.
We decided not to go to the beach, although my cousins live there.

5.-So: Tomorrow is my B-day so I need to be beautiful.
Charlize is busy so I will call her tomorrow morning.

6.-If: If this isn´t real, why are you so scared.
You will pass the test if you study.

7.- Since: We have been in this city since 2010.
I have worked for my uncle since june.

8.- And: She loves music and movies.
I play basketball and soccer.

9.-In contrast: In contrast to yesterday, it isn´t hot at all to day.
The picture is colorfull in contrast with this one.

10.- Because: I don´t have any money because I lost my wallet.
I´m going to New York because I´m free.

I hope and help you in something!!!!!!

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