• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: gabycris6
  • hace 4 años

Unscramble the question

1. he/did/do/for/education/What/ ?

2. become/Roldos/president/When/did/?

3. he/wife/die/When/did/and/his/?

4. did/How/die/they?

5. famous/was/he/Why/?

6. some groups/want/as president/Why/didn't/him/?

7. have/trouble/Why/in his government/did/he/?


Respuesta dada por: dino500k


What did he do for education?

When did Roldos become president?

When did he and his wife die?

How did they die?

Why was he famous?

Why didn´t some groups want him as president?

Why did he have trouble in his government?


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