• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: estorbito543
  • hace 4 años

doy corona!!

*Subraya las frases o preguntas en las que el presente perfecto se utiliza correctamente.*

1. Mary have lost her passport
Mary has lost her passport
Mary has lose her passport

2. He hasn’t visited Uxmal yet

He hasn’t visited Uxmal still

He hasn’t visited Uxmal never

3. Has she ever sung in public?

Has she ever sang in public?

Has she ever sung in public?

4. I have finally understand the present perfect

I have finally understood the present perfect

I finally have understood the present perfect

5. She hasn’t yet found her money?

She hasn’t found her money yet?

She hasn’t find her money yet?

6. Have you ever have a car accident?

Have you never had a car accident?

Have you ever had a car accident?​


Respuesta dada por: TRTMICHAEL

Let's do it...

1. Mary has lost her passport. (B)

2. He hasn't visited Uxmal yet. (A)

3. Has she ever sang in public? (B)

4. I have finally understood the Present perfect (B)

5. She hasn't found her money yet. (B)

6. Have you ever had a car accident? (C)

Never Give Up!

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