• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: md1380796
  • hace 4 años

Complete these sentences using the past continuous and the past simple
1. Jonas(sleep) when a monster (look) her Window.
2. We(sing) when my mom (tell) us to be quiet
3. Kristen (speak) Toher friend when she (feel) a hand on her shoulder
4 You (read) a novel when kenny (come) in
5. Jose' (take) a bath when the door (open) but no one was there.
6. Brandon (leave) his room when he (hear) someone call his name
7 I (eat) a bowl of rice when you (wake) up​


Respuesta dada por: dinycristii22
1 slept- looked
2 sang - told
3 spoke - felt
4 read - came
5 took- opened
6 left -heard
7 ate- woke

Porfis coronita ✨

md1380796: muchas graciiias
dinycristii22: De nadaaa
md1380796: tengo otro que no estoy pudiendo hacer. podes ayudarme otra vez
dinycristii22: Si publica la tarea y me avisas
md1380796: dale enseguida
md1380796: holaaaaaa
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