• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: mamanisilvanabeatriz
  • hace 4 años

1-Complete the sentences with verb to be
She is my mam. She ____ Carolina and she _____ a teacher.
He ____my best friend Santiago. He _____a student. He _____14 years old.
I ____Martín and I ____a student at Santa Isabel de Hungría School. I _____12 years old.
We _____Argentinian. We ____fans of football.
It ____very hot today. It ____sunny and windy.
They ____Michifus and Tiara. They ____my two lovely cats.
They _____famous youtubers. They _____”Los Polinesios”. They ____from Mexico.
You ___ a crazy boy, man!!!
He ____a mechanic. He _____Mr García. He _____47 years old.
It ___ my new mobile phone. It ____ an Iphone!.

mamanisilvanabeatriz: doy corona a quien me ayude


Respuesta dada por: elviarosacubilla14


creo que la mayoria son is are am

Respuesta dada por: hinata2661
She is my mom. She IS Carolina and she IS a teacher
He IS my best friend santiago. He IS a student.
he IS 14 years old
I AM Martin and I AM a student at Santa isabel de Hungría school. I AM 12 years old.
We ARE Argentinian. We ARE fans of football
It IS very hot today. It IS sunny and windy dsp sigo es re largo ahre coronita porfa
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