• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: belardomercedes01
  • hace 4 años

Complete the blanks using Past Perfect from the verbs in brackets
1. They (eat) before he arrived.
(you finish) the report before he asked for it?
3. Jennifer (buy) the house before the market crashed
4. What (she do) that upset him so much?
5. Our boss (not make) the decision yet when management changed their
6. The students (write) the report, but the teacher made them do it again.
7. Mark (want) to go to New York, but his wife changed his mind.
(they invest) in that stock before the market improved?
9. Alex (not do the gardening before it started raining​


Respuesta dada por: idkconundrum
2-you finished
3- bought
4- she’d do
5-didn’t make
8-they’ve invested
9-didn’t do

idkconundrum: * explicación tienes que cambiar la palabras en past perfect y no agregar más palabras para que se entienda. (mi español esta horrible perdón )
Respuesta dada por: gabserlab

Se completan las oraciones con los verbos en los paréntesis en past perfect:

  1. They had eaten before he arrived.
  2. Had you finished the report before he asked for it?
  3. Jennifer had bought the house before the market crashed.
  4. What had she done that upset him so much?
  5. Our boss hadn't made the decision yet when management changed their mind.
  6. The students had written the report, but the teacher made them do it again.
  7. Mark had wanted to go to New York, but his wife changed his mind.
  8. Had they invested in that stock before the market improved?
  9. Alex hadn't done the gardening before it started raining.

Estructura de las oraciones en past perfect

  • Afirmativa

        Sujeto + had + verbo en pasado participio + complemento

  • Negativa

       Sujeto + hadn't + verbo en pasado participio + complemento

  • Interrogativa

        Had + sujeto / pronombre + verbo en pasado participio + complemento?

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