• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: crock143
  • hace 5 años

4.- En la lectura pinta de amarillo los verbos que encuentras en inglés, referente de la lectura.
Friends and friendship were important even in ancient times. There are many folk tales, myths and legends about friends.
There are also friendship celebrations celebrations all over the world. Every year, on the first Sunday of August, people all over the world celebrate Friendship Day. It began in the U.Sin 1935.
Friends day is all about having fun with
friends and sharing good times together. Friends share jokes, songs and poems withe each other. They even make Friendship Day cards.


Respuesta dada por: luciaojeda774


Friends and friendship were important even in ancient times. There are many folk tales, myths and legends about friends.

There are also friendship celebrations celebrations all over the world. Every year, on the first Sunday of August, people all over the world celebrate Friendship Day. It began in the U.S in 1935.

Friends day is all about having fun with  friends and sharing good times together. Friends share jokes, songs and poems with each other. They even make Friendship Day cards.


Los verbos son palabras que expresan o describen acciones, procesos o estados. En este caso subraye los que pude, disculpa si me equivoque en alguno, espero te sea de ayuda :)

crock143: muchas gracias
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