• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: natamendez250
  • hace 4 años

llena los espacios en blanco con el verbo to be

A. ----- the weather very
warm today?

b. you____
not american

C. the chidren ____ busy in their projecto for the science fair

D. these books____
very interesting

E. _____ She in the library?

F. that lady _____ the one who bought our old house​


Respuesta dada por: benjacho200816


A are

B are

C is

D are

E is

F is

espero haberte ayudado

natamendez250: Gracias crñ
Respuesta dada por: jaravegaaymar


A._ are__the weather very

warm today?

b. you__are__

not american

C. the chidren _are_ busy in their projecto for the science fair

D. these books_is___

very interesting

E. __is___ She in the library?

F. that lady ___is__ the one who bought our old house

natamendez250: gracias Mvd
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