• Asignatura: Física
  • Autor: nickssan1609
  • hace 4 años

An object is dropped from a hot air balloon. The object has fallen for 2s. a) What is the bag's velocity? b) How far has the object fallen?​


Respuesta dada por: jaimitoM

Velocity (v) can be calculated using:

v = gt  

where g represents the acceleration due to gravity and t represents time in free fall.

→ The distance traveled by a falling object (d) is calculated using:


a) What is the bag's velocity?

Using the equation of velocity we have:

v = gt  

v = (9.8m/s²)(2 s)

v = 19.6 m/s

b) How far has the object fallen?​

Using the equation for distance:

d=\dfrac{1}{2}gt^2\\\\d = \dfrac{1}{2}(9.8\;m/s^2)(2\;s)^2\\\\d = \dfrac{1}{2}(9.8\;m/s^2)(4\;s^2)\\\\\boxed{d=19.6\;m}

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