• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Fbvp
  • hace 9 años

porfavor AYUDA dos párrafos, uno en presente simple y uno en pasado simple de cualquier tema, 10 lineas aproximadamente URGENTE!


Respuesta dada por: Maleeabm
Hello my name is ___________. i am ___ years old.  Every day i wake up at 7am in the morning. Then i have a big breakfast with all my family: my dad, my mum my brothers and my sister. At 8am we all go to do our stuff. I have to go to school with my sieblings, my mum goes to work, and my dad stays at home till 5pm. At school we do a lot of work. When i finish with school, i have to take the bus back. When i am at home, i listen to music and eat something. At 10pm we all have dinner and go to sleep. (7 lineas, hacé la letra más grande cuando lo escribas y listo, obviamente, no se si tenes o no hermano, así que eso lo podes arreglar segun tu situación familiar)

When i was a child i used to play (with my dolls/ futboll). I didn't have that much to do, because, well... i was a child. Before we moved to where i am living now, i had a lots of friends. I always did what i wanted. My routine was very similar to the one i have now. I used to wake up early, because my family and i had alway eaten together. Then i played with my brother. I didn't go to Kindergarten, because it was too expensive. The i ate more and after that i went to sleep. (7 lineas, no reelei los textos, pero espero que saques una idea, no corregí errores ni nada... :)
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