• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: army7v7
  • hace 5 años

porfavor ayudenme a traducir este texto al ingles, esto depende de toda mi nota.

Lima fue fundada el 18 de enero de 1535 por el conquistador Francisco Pizarro. Estuvo considerada, durante casi tres siglos, como la Capital Virreinal de América del Sur. En 1821, pasó a ser capital del Perú independiente; durante los primeros decenios de vida republicana fue escenario de enfrentamientos políticos entre distintos caudillos. Con el advenimiento del siglo XX, Lima se modernizó y creció, intentando ponerse a tono con las grandes capitales del mundo. En el 2002 el departamento de Lima se dividió en Región Lima y Lima Metropolitana, la capital del Perú. Sin embargo, si nos remontamos a los 10 000 años A.C., Lima ya había sido ocupada por grupos de cazadores y nómades que recorrían los valles y costas del río Rímac en busca de animales, mariscos y peces con los cuales alimentarse. Hacia el siglo II D.C. la cultura Lima adquirió gran fuerza en la zona.

En el siglo VIII D.C. la influencia Wari arribó a tierras limeñas, ya en 1100 D.C el poder local resurgió y dos zonas adquirieron gran prestigio: Chancay, cultura de prodigiosos tejedores, y Pachacámac, centro ceremonial de incuestionable prestigio en los Andes.

daksylopezq: Listo


Respuesta dada por: daksylopezq


Lima was founded on January 18, 1535 by the conqueror Francisco Pizarro. It was considered, for almost three centuries, as the Vice-Royal Capital of South America. In 1821, it became the capital of independent Peru; during the first decades of republican life it was the scene of political confrontations between different caudillos. With the advent of the 20th century, Lima modernized and grew, trying to catch up with the great capitals of the world. In 2002 the department of Lima was divided into the Lima Region and the Metropolitan Lima, the capital of Peru. However, if we go back to 10,000 BC, Lima had already been occupied by groups of hunters and nomads who roamed the valleys and coasts of the Rímac River in search of animals, shellfish and fish to feed on. Around the 2nd century AD the Lima culture acquired great strength in the area.

In the 8th century A.D. the Wari influence arrived in Lima, as early as 1100 AD local power resurfaced and two areas acquired great prestige: Chancay, a culture of prodigious weavers, and Pachacámac, a ceremonial center of unquestionable prestige in the Andes.

jorgecorreadelmazo: Tengo tu respuesta
Respuesta dada por: superjavi1020


Lima was founded on January 18, 1535 by the conqueror Francisco Pizarro. It was considered, for almost three centuries, as the Vice-Royal Capital of South America. In 1821, it became the capital of independent Peru; During the first decades of republican life it was the scene of political confrontations between different caudillos. With the advent of the 20th century, Lima modernized and grew, trying to catch up with the great capitals of the world. In 2002 the department of Lima was divided into the Lima Region and the Metropolitan Lima, the capital of Peru. However, if we go back to 10,000 BC, Lima had already been occupied by groups of hunters and nomads who roamed the valleys and coasts of the Rímac River in search of animals, shellfish and fish to feed on. Around the 2nd century AD the Lima culture acquired great strength in the area.

In the 8th century A.D. Wari influence arrived in Lima, as early as 1100 AD local power resurfaced and two areas acquired great prestige: Chancay, a culture of prodigious weavers, and Pachacámac, a ceremonial center of unquestionable prestige in the Andes

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