• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: NaiHd10
  • hace 4 años

Oraciones con presente continuo
Watching TV
Reading (puedes agregarle a book, the newspaper, o cualquier cosa que se pueda leer)
Watching a movie
Playing baseball
Riding a bike/Cycling
Playing tennis
Drinking tea/ Chatting o calling with someone
Practicing Tae-Kwon-Do
Playing soccer
Making a videoconference/Taking virtual classes
Playing basketball
Playing volleyball
Playong videogames
Making music
Listening to music

oraciones con todos esos verbos por favor​


Respuesta dada por: danielamvg


They are watching TV.

She is reading a book at her house.

He is watching a movie at the cinema.

We are playing baseball, we might win!

Maria is riding a bike, she's getting better.

They are running, I don't know where they are heading though.

She is drinking tea to calm down.

We are drawing our mom as a present.

Teresa is practicing Tae-Kwon-Do, she is really good.

Alexis is playing soccer against her brother.

Josue is dancing.

I am making a video conference with my co-workers,

He is playing basketball.

They are diving, they want to see fish.

She is swimming, she got faster!

They are playing volleyball against each other.

You are playing videogames with him, aren't you?

He is making music for his album.

I am listening to music as I answer.

NaiHd10: muchas gracias ❤️
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