• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: karenbrionesmera
  • hace 4 años

Completa las frases usando el comparativo o superlativo que consideres necesario que se encuentra entre paréntesis.

1. This is   (boring) book in the world.
2. Jane is   (tall) in the class.
3. This is   (funny) joke I have ever heard.
4. Chocolate is   (sweet) vegetables.
5. This has been   (amazing) experience in my life.
6. My wife is   (young) me.
7. A BMW is   (expensive) a Skoda.
8. Los Angeles is   (dirty) New York.
9. This house looks cleaner   a palace.
10. This is   (tiring) job I have ever done.


Respuesta dada por: kdhgiuer


1. the most boring

2. the tallest

3. the funniest

4. sweeter than

5. the most amazing

6. younger tan

7. more expensive than

8. dirtier

9. cleaner than

10. the most tiring


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