• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: rivera64
  • hace 4 años

A This lake is in the centre of town and has trees all around it. There is a beautiful
old bridge over the lake, which takes you to a pretty building that is a great place
to take photographs! There is another beautiful building at the other end of the
lake where, if you are lucky, you might see one of the very old turtles swimming.
This building is called the Turtle Tower but you can't go there because it's built on
an Island
D This is a day trip by coach or taxi to see the beautiful World
Heritage site. There are over a thousand small islands in the
sea. You can take a trip on a boat and have a fish lunch with
local people who live on boals that float in the sea. You can even
visit some of the islands. This wonderful place has been used
In many films, such as Indochine with Catherine Deneuve
and was also the setting for a Top Gear Special, a BBC TV
programme in which three men drove over a thousand miles on
motorbikes from Ho Chi Minh City to Ha Long Bay.
B Nearly every street has street cafés with very small tables and chairs selling
delicious Pho, which is a type of soup, and Bun Cha, which is made of grilled meat.
The best advice is to choose a place that is very busy with local people and ask how
much the food is before you order it. The food is very cheap and tasty.
C Not far from the centre of Hanoi is the place where the first university in
Vietnam was built nearly a thousand years ago. You can see the academy
buildings where students studied and relaxed many years ago. People who studied
here had very difficult exams and the head of the country, who was like a king,
asked the exam questions himself. Even today some university students come
here to have their photos taken when they finish their university exams.
E In the centre of Hanoi you can visit some of the old streets
and shops. The streets still have the names of the professions
that worked there, for example, Leather Road, Medicine
Street and Fish Street. You can have a really interesting
moming walking around these streets, see craftspeople
making shoes and fixing bicycles, then stop for a special
Vietnamese coffee with sweet milk
1 Read the article quickly and match
the headings (1-5) to the paragraphs
1 Visit the Imperial Academy
2 Try street food
3 Visit the Old Quarter
4 Take a trip to Ha Long Bay
5 Visit Hoan Kiem Lake
2 Read the article again. Which paragraph (A-E) talks about:
1 visiting a place where people have sold things for years
2 seeing an old animal and a bridge
13 seeing where people studied hundreds of years ago
4 taking a photo of a pretty place that has been on TV and in film
5 seeing people who have finished university
6 eating with people who live on boats
7 having a coffee after a walk
8 having some traditional soup
3 Are these sentences true or false?
1 You can cross a bridge to get to the Turtle Tower TRUE/FALSE
2 You should ask the price of street food before you buy it. TRUE/FALSE
3 The exams in the Imperial Academy were easy. TRUE/FALSE
4 You can walk to Ha Long Bay from Hanol TRUE/FALSE
5 Some craftspeople still make things in the Old Quarter. TRUE FALSE​


Respuesta dada por: angelomik


ugutftftyftengo q ser otoe


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