• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: SofiBd2020
  • hace 4 años

They are married.they ............married since 1988.
Ted is sick .he ............ Sick for a week
We live in this house .we............ Here for ten years.
I know Tom very well.I ..............him since we were children
We are waiting for you.we...........waiting since 8 o'clock......................



Respuesta dada por: awitadeMAR6


3- They have been married since 1988.

4- He has been sick for a week

5- We have lived here for ten years

6- I know him since we were children

7- We have been waiting since 8 o' clock

8- She has worked in a bank for five years

9- I have been studying english for six months

10- She have had a headache since she got up


Las oraciones son en past participle creo, lo que significa que son oraciones pasadas que hablan de algo en pasado que sigue ocurriendo. >w<

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