• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: 05mohamedarras12345
  • hace 4 años

Brian and I never go out together.
go out / goes out / going out

My American friend ............ to me every year.
write / writes / writing

.......... she play chess at weekends?
Does / Did / Do

She ......... in Japan.
doesn’t lives / not live / doesn’t live

She .......... study Russian.
don't / not / doesn’t

Jenny __________ in a bar.
to work / works / work

.......... he watch series before going to bed?
Is / do / does

He .......... play football on Mondays.
Isn’t / don’t / doesn’t

They ........... TV every night.
watches / watch / watching

Prue ........ her homework at 8.
is / has / does

Mr Husher ........ his car every week.
washing / washes / wash

They .......... books in the library.
are / haves / read

Annie ....... to study.
needs / need / to need

.......... they go to school by bus?
does / do / are

They ...... so excited about the birthday party.
be / are / to be

........ she at school at 7:30?
does she be / do she be / is

I .......... to some music.
listens / listening / listen

Jack ......... to work by taxi.
not go / doesn’t / doesn’t go

They don't .......... basketball every day.
play / plays / to play

I think the boys .......... the answer.
knows / know / to know

emly23: La numero trece: needs
emly23: La numero catorce: do
emly23: El número quince: are
emly23: El número dieciséis: Does She be
emly23: El número decisiete: listen
emly23: El número dieciocho: doesn’t
emly23: El número diecinueve: play
emly23: El número veinte: knows
emly23: Espero que te haya servido, un saludo
05mohamedarras12345: muchisimas gracias


Respuesta dada por: emly23
La primera: go out.
La segunda: writes.
La tercera: Does
La cuarta: doesn’t live

emly23: El numero doce: read
emly23: El numero trece: needs
emly23: El numero catorce: do
emly23: El número quince: are
emly23: El número dieciséis: Does She be
emly23: El número decisiete: listen
emly23: El número dieciocho: doesn’t
emly23: número diecinueve: play
emly23: El número veinte: knows
emly23: Espero que te haya servido, un saludo
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