• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: hilaryhdztapia
  • hace 4 años


B. Fill in the following sentences in the present progressive

13. They ____________________(wait) for us on the corner now.

14. Listen! I think the telephone______________________(ring).

15. The boys___________(make) a lot of noise. Please tell them to be quiet.

16. Mr. Zehavy ______________(not work) in his office today.

17. My parents_________________(go to a concert tonight.

18. _______the pupils____________(decorate the room at the moment?

19. You________________(not take) a shower right now.

20. They______________(have) sales in all the big stores now.

21. Look! It________________(begin) to rain

22. At present my grandparent___________(travel) in London.

23. ________you________________(watch) TV right now?

24. Sharon______________(not swim) in the pool at the moment.

25. My brother_____________(not come) home today.

26. Two old ladies_____________(sit) under a tree.

27. ________they__________(laugh) at what I said?

28. Mom is sick. She__________(lie) in bed.

29. The Bus

The bus________(come). The passengers____________ (sit down). One woman ____________ (give) the driver the money. An old man ____________ (read) his newspaper. The young boy ____________ (ring) the bell. Two children ____________ (run) for the bus. The bus ____________ (stop) and the people ____________ (get off) it. .

30. Autumn Is Here

It is beginning of autumn. I can see though the window that it ____________ (rain). The wind ____________ (blow) and some leaves ____________ (fall). My brothers____________ (listen) to records and they ____________ (discuss) the weather. It seems that the summer is over and there is nothing to look forward to. A small dog outside____________ (run) and ____________ (bark) in happily. I guess he____________ (look) for shelter. I think that the best thing about autumn and winter is that spring and summer are soon to follow.

31. A Busy Afternoon

It is 06:00 o'clock in the afternoon. Everybody is busy. Father ____________ (read) the Evening paper. Mother ____________ (help) David with his homework. Miriam ____________ (do) the dishes. Uri ____________ (wash) the family car. Our little dog ____________ (bark) unhappily. He _____________ (wait) for somebody to take him out. There are a lot of actives outside. People ____________ (come) from work. Mothers ___________ (call) their children to come back home. Another day ____________ (come) to an end.


Respuesta dada por: araceliquiroga005


13 are waiting

14 is ringing

15 are making

16 isn't working

17 are going to a concert

saludos y corona plis si necesitas ayuda hay más información en mi perfil

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