My dad is a bus driver.
In the future i want to be a bus driver.
My old job was a bus driver.
They stopped a bus driver.
They surprised the bus driver.
I am studying to work as a bus driver.
The bus driver had an accident.
The bus driver is funny.
The bus driver is 36 years old.
The bus driver is my uncle.
The bus driver was my English teacher
The bus driver is very agile.
The bus driver is bad.
My friend is a bus driver.
My mother is the bus driver.
1.-The bus driver was from that same side of town.- El conductor era de esa misma parte de la ciudad
2.-The bus driver stop, but no one gets on. -El conductor de autobús para, pero nadie se sube.
3.-One time, the bus driver even let me drive the bus.
-Una vez, el chofer me dejó conducir el autobús.
4.-Ladies and gentleman, meet your new bus driver. Señoras y señores, les presento a su nuevo chofer.
5.-Buying a ticket directly from the bus driver. -La compra de un billete directamente en el autobús.
6.-The second bus driver was looking at a fight over oranges. -El conductor del segundo autobús estaba mirando una pelea por unas naranjas.
7.-You just got advice from the bus driver. Acabas de recibir un consejo del conductor del autobús.
8.-They never notified the bus driver that they were going in. Nunca le avisaron al conductor que iban a bajarse.
9.-You don't look like my bus driver. No pareces el conductor de mi autobús.
10.-Because you don't like the bus driver. Porque no te agrada el conductor.
11.-His father was a bus driver. Su padre era conductor de autobús.
12.-But according to the bus driver it was no accident? -¿El conductor dijo que no fue accidental?
13.-He's the bus driver and dropped us back here. Es el conductor del autobús que nos recogió y nos trajo aquí.
14.-My dad's a bus driver. Mi padre es conductor de autobús
perdon por no ponerlas todas juntas, pero hasta con traduccion
15.-Do you want me to go talk to the bus driver maybe? ¿Quieres que vaya a hablar con el conductor, tal vez?
12.-But according to the bus driver it was no accident? -¿El conductor dijo que no fue accidental?
13.-He's the bus driver and dropped us back here. Es el conductor del autobús que nos recogió y nos trajo aquí.
14.-My dad's a bus driver. Mi padre es conductor de autobús
8.-They never notified the bus driver that they were going in. Nunca le avisaron al conductor que iban a bajarse.
9.-You don't look like my bus driver. No pareces el conductor de mi autobús.
10.-Because you don't like the bus driver. Porque no te agrada el conductor.