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Respuesta dada por: ntmiguelez39


-It comes without knowing how. A little imaginary bird enters your mouth through your throat to your stomach and makes you go on shock when you stare at that person. It doesn't matter who it is, or the things they have done, only with that strange feeling you perceive that your heart feels something. Your brain imagines beautiful things whith that person without you wanting it, and it makes you feell happy while you wish that one day it would come true. When you really like someone, you feel as if you're stuck in a lake whith no way out, and as much as you try to get out of the lake you sink deeper until you drawn. Although it seems like a nightmare, you can perceive imaginary wings that make you fly in a world of inexplicable imagination and, although there is no way out, you dont want to go.

Times passes, but you are still in the same place, and sometimes you stay there for eternity even if you are continuing with your life. Without that person or when you no longer know were they are. Suerly you will not see that person in real life again, but that person has been so important to your heart that you will never be able to remove it of the memory box. Although they are times, when you are flying through that beautiful world, you are able to see a small light in the distance. You get closer little by little and out of nowhere, you come out of there. You can not decide when you go out of there. We dont know how our mind really works, and we never will, but you never know wat will happens, until it does.


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