• Asignatura: Matemáticas
  • Autor: Katherinemarquina988
  • hace 4 años

The number of pages that Rosie can write varies directly with the amount of time that she spends writing. If Rosa can write 4 pages in 1/3 hour, how many pages can she write in 15 hours?


Respuesta dada por: anacastruiz

Explicación paso a paso:


If Rose can write 4 pages in 1/3 hour


1/3 hour = 20 min.

(1*60)/3 = 60/3= 20 min.

in 20 min write 4 pages


15 h x 60 min / 1 h= 900 min.

900 min x 4 pag/ 20 min = 180 pages.

Good luck!..

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