• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: guadalupeemercado
  • hace 4 años

necesito ayuda porfis, 5 estrellas a quien lo haga​



Respuesta dada por: alebal02


6. Complete the sentences with one word.

1. Does your sister work in a school?

2. No, he doesn't

3. What do your parents do?

4. Do you like Japanese food?

5. Does this mobile phone have a camera?

6. Yes, I do

7. Complete the phrases with the correct word.

1. Housework

2. Listen

3. Sorry

4. Speak

5. Sunglasses

6. Go

7. Tea

8. Eat

8. Match the questions and the answers.

1. I'm an engineer

2. In a factory

3. 43 years old

4. In the evening

5. George Clooney

6. Because I like it

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