Hola Me Pueden Ayudar A Resolver Esto Por Fa:
Complete The Sentences With Do, Does, Don´t And Doesn´t.
0. We _____ Like Our New House.
1. _____ The New Student Want To Play Football With Us?
2. I Use Skype A Lot _____ You Use It?
3. My Brother _____ Go To University . He´s Still At School.
4. We _____ Speak French But We Speak Chinese.
5. _______ You And your Friends Use The Internet A Lot?
6. Where ______ They Live?
Respuesta dada por:
HOa, te envio respuesta y explicacion en cada una. asi no habra dudas.
1. DOES (referido a tercera persona)
2. DO
3. DOESN´T (de tercera persona)
4. DON´T (negación plural)
5. DO (plural)
6. DO (plural)
1. DOES (referido a tercera persona)
2. DO
3. DOESN´T (de tercera persona)
4. DON´T (negación plural)
5. DO (plural)
6. DO (plural)
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