una entrevista en inglés para crear conciencia sobre un problema que afecta al mundo o a tu comunidad
A- Good morning Msr Ross
B-Good morning Mr Wilson
A- Welcome to my interview about a disease that affects everyone: coronavirus
B- Oh, I got the coronavirus 1 month ago
A- The first cuestion you have learned during quarantine?
B- Well in this quarantine i learned to be more friendly with my friends and family, to value my family more and that something so small that it affects millions of people.
A- what was the most positive thing you took away from the coronavirus?
B- I was watching the news and I saw that many animals became extinct, the pollution decreased in certain countries and I also saw how the world was being cleaned up little by little
A- How I manage to survive the coronavirus
B- I managed to survive because I took a lot of paracetamol and strengthened my immune system with many vitamins and medicinal remedies such as salt throats or orange juice
A- How many members of your family managed to survive the coronavirus
B- in my family almost all my family survived because my grandparents and uncles died due to the covid
A-what symptoms you had
B- couldn't breathe, had a cough, fever of 38°, chills and poor appetite
A- well we finished the interview it was a pleasure Mrs. ross
B- oh the pleasure its may