• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: jorge2824
  • hace 9 años

que palabra en la siguientes oraciones esta mal escrita (tomando en cuanta el tiempo)

1.-Representative democracy seemed evolves imultaneously during the eighteenth and nineteenth century in Britain, Europe, and the United States.

a - evolve b – simultaneously c – during d – the unitedstates

2.-Many people have stopped to smoke because they are afraid that it may be harmful to their health.
a – many b – tosmoke c – because d –may be

3.- During Jackson’s administration, those who did not approve of permit common people in the White House were shocked by the president’s insistence that they be invited into the mansion.
a – who b – permit c –were d – shocked

4.-When Columbus seen the New World, he thought that he had reached the East Indies by way of a Western route.

a – seen b – thought c – had reached d – by way

Insurance rates are not the same for different people because they are not likely have the same risk.
a – because b – they c – have d – the same risk

Many people with spinal cord injuries can, with the help of computer implants, recovering some of their mobility.
a – injuries b – help c – recovering d – their

Although fraternal twins are born at the same time, they do not tend resembling each other any more than do other siblings.
a – Are born b – Resembling c – Eachother d – than

A secretary told me important file had been left in the lunch room just the other day.
a.- A secretary B – important file C – the lunch room D – the other day

The business and traffic have increased in the area surrounding the new construction.
A – The business b – traffic c – the area d – the new construction

The part time clerk in the copy centerdidn’t know how to add a paper to the copy machine.

a – The part time clerk b – copy center c – a paper d – the copy machine

The supervisor promised the assistant who had the most seniority that he would get promotion soon.
a – The supervisor b – the assistant c – the most seniority d – promotion soon

When you go to the office supply store, please pick up pens, black ink cartridge, and rubber bands.
a – The office supply store b – pens c – black ink cartridge d – rubber bands

Rabbit is a wonderful dish served in Italian restaurant around the corner from here
a – Rabbit is b – wonderful dish c – Italian restaurant d – the corner

Secretariat run the Kentucky Derby in 1.59 minutes, setting a record that has remained unbroken since 1973.
a – run b – setting c – has remained d – since 1973

The Food and Drug Administration, known as the FDA, makes grocers and restaurant owners pasteurized all milk before selling it.
A – known b – makes c – pasteurized d – selling

A temporary driver’s permit lets the learner drives with another licensed driver in the car.
A – drives b – another c – licensed d – driver

Unless complication from the anesthetic, operations to remove the appendix are not considered serious.
A – Unless complication b – to remove c – are not d – considered serious

Because the intestate highway system linking roads across the country was built about forty-five years ago, most of the roads in the system now need repaired
a – Because b – was built c – ago d – repaired

Arlington National Cemetery, a memorial area that includes the mast of the battleship Maine, the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, and the eternal flame at the grave of John F. Kennedy, is the site where the families of more than 160,000 American veterans have bury their loved ones.


Respuesta dada por: 0val0
1- a
2- b
3- b
4- a
5- c
6- c
7- b
8- b
9- a
10- d
11- d
12- c
13- c
14- a
15- b
16- a
17- a
18- d

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