• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: rayanroseromontenegr
  • hace 5 años

B. Read this text about Laika, then color the verbs on red, nouns on blue, conjunctions on green and adjectives on yellow.
During the era of the space race between the USA and USSR, the Soviet Union launched the first living thing into space. It was a dog named Laika. The objective of the trip was to prove that space travel for humans was safe, but technology hadn’t advanced enough to bring ships back yet. Laika was a street dog that became an astronaut because of her size and calmness. After some training, she was ready to go into space. Her ship, called Sputnik 2, was launched on November 3, 1957. Laika was supposed to orbit the planet some days and the first reports from Russian space programs said so. However, in 1993, some Russian space program scientists revealed that Laika died soon after leaving the planet’s atmosphere because of stress and overheating. Many people in the world were in great sorrow because of her death. Since then, her story has spread around the world and has inspired many tales, songs, and poems. Some of them say that Laika became a star in the sky.


Respuesta dada por: gabimontesinos123




B. Read this text about Laika, then color the verbs on red, nouns on blue, conjunctions on green and adjectives on yellow.


During the era of the space race between the USA and USSR, the Soviet Union launched the first living thing into space. It was a dog named Laika. The objective of the trip was to prove that space travel for humans was safe, but technology hadn’t advanced enough to bring ships back yet. Laika was a street dog that became an astronaut because of her size and calmness. After some training, she was ready to go into space. Her ship, called Sputnik 2, was launched on November 3, 1957. Laika was supposed to orbit the planet some days and the first reports from Russian space programs said so. However, in 1993, some Russian space program scientists revealed that Laika died soon after leaving the planet’s atmosphere because of stress and overheating. Many people in the world were in great sorrow because of her death. Since then, her story has spread around the world and has inspired many tales, songs, and poems. Some of them say that Laika became a star in the sky.

B. Leer este texto sobre Laika, luego colorear los verbos en rojo, los sustantivos en azul, las conjunciones en verde y los adjetivos en amarillo.


Durante la era de la carrera espacial entre Estados Unidos y la URSS, la Unión Soviética lanzó el primer ser vivo al espacio. Era un perro llamado Laika. El objetivo del viaje era demostrar que los viajes espaciales para humanos eran seguros, pero la tecnología aún no había avanzado lo suficiente como para traer naves de regreso. Laika era una perrita callejera que se convirtió en astronauta por su tamaño y tranquilidad. Después de un poco de entrenamiento, estaba lista para ir al espacio. Su nave, llamada Sputnik 2, fue lanzada el 3 de noviembre de 1957. Se suponía que Laika orbitaría el planeta algunos días y los primeros informes de los programas espaciales rusos así lo decían. Sin embargo, en 1993, algunos científicos del programa espacial ruso revelaron que Laika murió poco después de abandonar la atmósfera del planeta debido al estrés y al sobrecalentamiento. Muchas personas en el mundo estaban muy afligidas por su muerte. Desde entonces, su historia se ha extendido por todo el mundo y ha inspirado muchos cuentos, canciones y poemas. Algunos dicen que Laika se convirtió en una estrella en el cielo.

rayanroseromontenegr: colorea los verbos en rojo, sustantivos en azul, conjunciones en verde y adjetivos en amarillo.
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