• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: lunakatterin546
  • hace 4 años

Answer the following questions about the pandemic.
1.-What is happening with the coronavirus crisis in your country?

2.-How have these changes impacted your daily routines?

3.- What have been the challenges from this situation (desolations)?

4.-What have been the gifts and graces from this situation (consolations)?


Respuesta dada por: Anónimo

1.This situation in my country is bad as hospitals are full of infected, some people do not want to take safety precautions or use social distancing and some people are falsifying tests for the coronavirus and selling them.

2. My daily routine in this situation changes a lot since now they leave us more tasks and I no longer have time to do what I like

3. My biggest challenge was learning to control myself to concentrate in online classes and learn to de-stress at home since before when I was stressed I would go for a walk and now they don't always let me go out.

4. Something that I realized in this quarantine is a very good drawing, I also realized that I love writing.

Respuesta dada por: leslygra
1- A lot of people die because of coronavirus, we can’t visit someone.
2- Some things I can’t do in my house for example use the bicycle.
3- In some times I feel sad because I want to visit to my family.
4-I see more the importance of the family.
Espero y te sirva ;)
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