• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: benjcr857
  • hace 4 años

Complete the sentences using present perfect forms, in negative, positive or interrogative. (Complete las oraciones con la ayuda de la lista de verbos)

1. Jose _______________________________________________________________________(arrive) in London .
2. _________________have you_ gone__________________________________________________________ (you/ go) to the USA?
3. My father _______________________________________________________ (not/finish) his business talk yet.
4. The organization __________________________________________________(cancel) the tennis match.
5. I _______________________________________________________________ (live) in this flat for ten years.
6. Martina__________________________________________________________ (not/ invite) Paul to the party.
7. Look at me! I _______________________________________________ (buy) this pair of jeans at the sales.
8. It ________________________________________________________ (not/rain) since May.
9. Placido Domingo _____________________________________ (sing) opera for forty years.
10. Felipe_____________________________________ (wear) the same shabby clothes for years.
11. “How long ________________________________________________ (you/ know) Tom?”
12. “We ___________________________ (know) each other since we started primary school.”
13. Cinthia made the most delicious meal I ______________________________________(eat).
14. Rayen___________________________________________ (play) the saxophone since 2002.
15. Everything is done! I __________________________________________ ( iron) the clothes.
16. He________________________________________________ (live) in London for two years
17. He______________________________________________________ (just/finish) his second tragedy.
18. I_______________________________________ (not see) him for three years, I wonder where he is.
19. He_________________________________ (not smoke) for two weeks. He is trying to give up.
20. I________________________________________ (write) the letter but I can't find a stamp.
21. A: How long__________________________________________________ (you/be) there?
22. B: I________________________________________________________ (be) there for two weeks.
23. I_________________________________________________________ (got) it in a car accident a year ago.
24. It_____________________________ (rain) for two hours and the ground is too wet to play on
25. She__________________________________________ (not/stop) since he arrived.
26. _______________________ (you/lock) the house before you left?
27. I can't go out because I_______________ (not/finish) my homework yet.
28. B: We_______________ (pick) apples.
29. A: How many_______________ (you/pick)?
30. B: We_______________ (pick) ten basket.


Respuesta dada por: salazarninja123




Espero te ayude!

benjcr857: Gracias
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