1. He is tiring.
2. They are man
3. My house is bigger.
4. She did his homework.
5. The movie was very interested.
6. That cars are our.
7. These shoes are news.
8. This books is boring.
9. The cats are happies.
10. You was with me.
Underline it!


Respuesta dada por: estrella220379


1. He is tiring.

2. They are man

3. My house is bigger.

4. She did his homework.

5. The movie was very interested.

6. That cars are our.

7. These shoes are news.

8. This books is boring.

9. The cats are happies.

10. You was with me.

Underline it!


1. Está cansado.

2. Son hombre

3. Mi casa es más grande.

4. Ella hizo su tarea.

5. La película estaba muy interesada.

6. Que los coches son nuestros.

7. Estos zapatos son noticia.

8. Este libro es aburrido.

9. Los gatos son felices

10. Estabas conmigo.


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