• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: invocador16
  • hace 4 años

Complete the sentences with the Present simple Passive or the Past Simple Passive of the verbs in parentheses ( ayuda)

1.The Mona Lisa _______________________ (not paint) by Michelangelo but by Leonardo Da Vinci.Lector inmersivo

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2.Breakfast _______________ (not serve) after ten o´clock at this hotel.

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3.__________________ English __________________ (speak) in New Zeland?

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4.These laptop __________________________ (sell) all over the world.Lector inmersivo

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5.These houses ______________ (build) three years ago.

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Respuesta dada por: jordannirel


1.R= was not painted

2.R= is not served

3.R= did you speaked English in New Zeland?

4.R= are selled

5.R= were builded


Espero y te ayude :)

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