Past simple : regular and irregular PUT THE VERBS BETWEEN BRACKETS IN THE PAST SIMPLE
1 . My sister ----------------------------(invite) some friends for her birthday.
2. They ---------------------- (go) to the supermarket to do some Christmas shopping. 3. We ---------------------------- (spend) some time in the Alps last summer.
4. My friends---------------------(eat) in a very good restaurant yesterday evening.
5. He ----------------------(cut) himself while he was peeling potatoes.
6. American people --------------------------------(celebrate) Thanksgiving not long ago.
7. They ----------------------------(read) a very interesting article in the newspaper.
8. It ------------------------------(rain) a lot this past last months, so there ----------------------(be) many floods in some parts of the world. 9. My mother ------------------------------(forget) to buy some toilet paper, so we -------(have) to use tissues yesterday !!!! Quite embarrassing indeed !!
10. We ---------------------------(write) an essay in French about freedom of speech
Respuesta dada por:
1 invited
2 went
3 spent
4 ate
5 cut
7. read
Los verbos regulares cuando cambian a pasado se les agrega D o ED
Los Verbos Irregulares cambian su forma en pasado
Respuesta dada por:
my sister some friend her bien
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