I enjoy being with you
He enjoys to play with the cars
My mother enjoys to prepare cookies
My uncle enjoys having meal in the kitchen
My son enjoys playing with me
Cynthia enjoys to play with his car
She enjoys the life.
My cousin enjoys staying at my house
The people are enjoying the water
10 oraciones con el verbo enjoy en inglés.
En general, el verbo “Enjoy” se refiere a una acción que denota sentir placer y/o gusto por hacer algo. Su traducción directa al español es “disfrutar”.
Oraciones con el verbo enjoy
1. I enjoy meeting people and visiting new places.
2. They used to enjoy going to the theatre.
3. I don't think Marie is enjoying herself very much at school.
4. I enjoy my English classes.
5. They enjoy listening to classic music.
6. I enjoyed your book very much.
7. My mother used to enjoy visiting her old friends.
8. She enjoys singing every day.
9. My grandfather enjoys playing the piano.
10. You are enjoying the baseball game at this moment.
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