• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: mcubas842
  • hace 4 años

Dear Rebecca,

I (1) ---- writing to you from the Paradise Beach Hotel. We usually come here with
my parents, (2) ---- this summer I am here (3) ---- Sarah and Jessica. The place is
very nice and I think all the people at the hotel (4) ---- having a good time. You can
do many activities here. You can swim, (5) ---- windsurfing or hiking. There are tall
trees all around the hotel, (6) ---- you can rest or read a book in the shade of trees.
At the moment, Sarah and Jessica are having lunch. They say the soup (7) ---- so
good. In a few minutes, I will join (8) ---- too. After lunch, we are planning to go for
a walk because (9) ---- plenty of opportunities for cliffside photos. I hope you are
having a good time as well. Write to me soon and tell me about (10) ---- your news.

1. is- are- am- do
2. but -because- together- from
3. under- of- from- with
4. are-is- do- does
5. go- make- ride- drive
6. but -because- so- before
7. drink- smell- eats- tastes
8. his- us- them- her
9. have got- has got -there is -there are
10. all- many- a- an


Respuesta dada por: alex7511


No she deja lo ago ok


Perdón apenas ando con ingles

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