• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: hkdiazmontero
  • hace 4 años

ayuda porfa
mi hermano necesita la tarea​



Respuesta dada por: 12233929


1 Mark is riding a bike

2 Her father is driving a car

3 I am talking the bus to school

4 My friends are playing football

5 Jane is playing the piano beautifully

6 John is doing his homework quietly

7 He is speaking French. I dont understand him

8 Tom is writing a letter to a friend

9 At this moment, Tony is traveling by plane

10 Lucy is flying a colourful kite

11 Those girls are singing a happy song

12 Thomas is reading so many books

13 The fat man is walking around the town

14 The athlete is running really fast

15 The baby is sleeping peacefully

16 They are going to the theatre

17 They are watching a really good film

Respuesta dada por: Anónimo


vengo por la otra corona andale


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