• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: camachodiazzairagise
  • hace 4 años

Hacer 10 oraciones con was y were en forma de pregunta en español e inglés. porfa es urgente ​


Respuesta dada por: nicoleeee19
1. Were we writing this essay a week ago?
2. Was Mark studying at the library?
3. Was Anna at the swim pool?
4. Was Hunter a good football player?
5. What were they studying?
6.Were they playing together?
7. Was Emily baking a cake for the party?
8. Was Marco at the beach club?
9. Were we doing the math homework yesterday?
10. what was Sarah cooking?
Ojalá te ayuden :)
Respuesta dada por: milita147

Oraciones con Was

1 - ¿I was gonna replace Emma?

2 - ¿I was blushing?

3 - ¿Did it seem like I was really nervous?

4 - ¿I was blonde as a little kid?

6 - ¿He was acting mean, right?

7 - ¡¿How old was I in this photo?!

8 - ¿Thomas was your boyfriend at once?

9 - ¿Was I about to fall asleep?

10 - ¿I was really quiet when I was little, right?

Oraciones con Were

1 - ¿What were you wearing on Jo's birthday?

2 - ¿Why were you so quiet?

3 - ¿Were you fighting with Sarah?

4 - ¿Were you on McDonalds yesterday? I was there too!

5 - ¿So were you angry at Jake?

6 - ¿Were you studying last night?

8 - ¿How old were you in this photo?

9 - ¿Were you feeling really tired?

10 - ¿Were you sad about what Lara said?

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