fruit salad recipe
1 banana
2 oranges
1/2 small pineapple
1 kiwi
1 apple
18 grapes
2 pears
1 slice of watermelon chunks
Cut the apple, banana, watermelon, pears, and kiwi into small pieces. He also cuts the oranges into wedges, and then each wedge into two or three.
Cut the grapes in half, and if they have seeds, remove them. Put all the fruits in a container.
If you want, you can prepare a sauce based on olive oil, juice of half an orange and a little honey to accompany it. It is delicious! Otherwise, you can add a little juice with sugar to make the fruit more tender and sweet.
en español:
receta de ensalada de frutas
1 banana
2 naranjas
1/2 piña pequeña
1 kiwi
1 manzana
18 uvas
2 peras
1 rodaja de sandía a trozos
Corta la manzana, la banana, la sandía, las peras y el kiwi en trozos pequeños. También corta las naranjas en gajos, y luego cada gajo en dos o tres.
Pica las uvas a la mitad, y si tienen semillas, retíralas. Coloca todas las frutas en un recipiente.
Si quieres, puedes preparar una salsa a base de aceite de oliva, zumo de media naranja y un poco de miel para acompañarla. ¡Queda deliciosa! De lo contrario, puedes añadirle un poco de jugo con azúcar para que la fruta quede más tierna y dulce.
1/2 cup butter or margarine
2 large eggs
1 cup all purpose flour
1 cup semisweet chocolate chips
1/2 cup brown sugar packed
1/2 cup chopped walnuts
•Preheat oven to 175ºC.
•Grease 8×8 inch (20×20 cm) pan.
•Combine butter or margarine and chocolate chips in saucepan on low heat. Stir often until melted. Do not overheat. Remove to a hot pad.
•Beat eggs in mixing bowl until frothy. Add sugar and vanilla. Beat to mix. Add chocolate mixture to this mixture. Stir.
•Add flour and walnuts. Stir just until moistened.
•Scrape batter into pan. Spread evenly.
•Bake in oven for 25 minutes. Cool brownies before cutting.