• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: camaguey24680
  • hace 4 años

1- Paul and Paco __________________ to the cinema at the moment.
a) going are
b) are going

2- Mariela ________________________ painting her house this week.
a) is painting
b) is paint

3- The teacher _______________________ us too much homewor this term.

a) is give
b) is giving


Respuesta dada por: Dudasalas11delanoche


1- Paul and Paco are going to the cinema

2- Mariela is painting painting her house this week.

3- The teacher is giving us too much homework this term.


Que tengas un buen dia.

Respuesta dada por: addysjharianna



la primera es la b :

paul and (are going) to the cinema at the moment.

la segunda es la a :

mariela (is painting) painting her house this week.

la tercera es la b  :

The teacher  ( is giving)  us too much homewor this term.

ya tomo awita? :3

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