Escribe oraciones para decir lo que estan usando las personas de la imágen.
Usa las palabras del parentesis.
Y traduce
1.- Hugo is wearing a tie _________(tie)
2.- _________________________________(boots)
3.- _________________________________(T- shirt)
5.- _________________________________ (dress)
6.-__________________________________(tennis shoes)
7.- _________________________________ (scarf)
9.- _________________________________ (glasses)
10.- ________________________________(shorts)
is wearing = esta usando
tie- corbata skirt -falda
boots - botas dress- vestido
t- shirt - playera scarf - bufanda
glasses - lentes
h t t p s : // d r i v e. g o o g l e. c o m/o p e n ? i d =1 Li r c e H a htI Lf5uZ723 D kZ Drd 9PLb H k1o& aut huser=1
Respuesta dada por:
Respuesta :4,0/5
My mom bought me a new Jacket on Walmart.
Lisa's Blue scarf is so cute.
My T-shirt is too big.
Those gloves are unconfortables.
My sneakers are Nike.
Carlos always use those shoes.
I prefer to use mini skirts.
Carmen love sunglasses.
There was a cat in a hat.
I want my old cap.
My slippers are soft.
This is the new sweater for prom.
My jeans are so skinny.
I use those boots to go to the farm.
I love that grey coat.
You can't use shorts to go to the church
My shirt is too big.
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