• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: katyv23
  • hace 4 años

Write the verbs in the correct tense, in the passive. 6 pts
1. Newspapers (not/ deliver) ______________ to our house every day.

2. When Marc goes to school, he (take) _________________ by her parents every day.

3. You do not need to clean the bathroom. It (clean) _________________ by the janitor.

4. I need to cook, dinner (not/ cook) ____________________ yet.

5. The letters (write) _______________ by the principal.

6. The door (open) _______________ by the dog.

7. A picture (draw) _________________ by the artist.
ayudame por favor


Respuesta dada por: joaquinlatorre0
1. aren’t delivered
2. is taken
3. is cleaned
4. hasn’t been cooked
5. were written
6. was opened
7. was drawn
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