• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: sharonantonellagante
  • hace 4 años

alguien me ayuda porfavorr lo necesito​



Respuesta dada por: LitzyKarely


1. Are

2. Is

3. Is

4. Are

5. Is

6. Are

7. Is


9. Is

10. Are


Consejito si es solo una cosa utiliza is. Si es mas de 2 cosas utiliza el are.

sharonantonellagante: oye no falto or
LitzyKarely: no "or" significa "o" lo cual el enumciado dice utiliza are o is
sharonantonellagante: a ok gracias igual
Respuesta dada por: miiaumiau


  1. There ARE seven monkeys in the tree
  2. There IS a fish in the water
  3. There IS a student in the classroom
  4. There ARE five erasers on the floor
  5. There IS a bird flying in the air
  6. There ARE ten ants on the wall
  7. There IS a new teacher in school
  8. There ARE two cats on the basket
  9. There IS a car on the road
  10. There ARE two large windows in my office


There is (singular)

There are (plural)

sharonantonellagante: oye no falta orr
sharonantonellagante: or
miiaumiau: nop con "or" se refiere a "o" o sea una cosa u otra ❤️
sharonantonellagante: ok gracias
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