• Asignatura: Historia
  • Autor: tsksofia1423
  • hace 5 años

The Fall of the Alamo March 6, 1836

This morning ______ troops & _____, attacked at 5:00 am. ______ was a part of the third wave of soldiers that advanced on the ________. The defenders, numbering around ______, were facing approximately _______ Mexican soldiers. _____ felt sorry for the first two waves, they were met with cannon blasts & musket fire, but the sheer numbers of our superior _________ troops couldt be held back. By the time ______ troop attacked, _______ were literally pouring over the walls and overwhelming the ________ by sheer numbers.

By 7:00 a.m., the battle of the ________ was over and aside from women, children and an enslaved African American; there were no male survivors. As for the dead Texans, ________ _______ ordered all bodies be piled together and burned.

_____ think that when the Texans hear of the fate of their comrades at the Alamo, they will become more determined to win their independence than ever before. Houston's army, which is training, will grow in size, fight harder than they have ever fought before and have a new battle cry, "__________________ ______ ____________."
Draw a picture about this event in the box below

Goliad Massacre March 27, 1836

In Goliad, _____ am here with about _______ men. We were on our way to aid Travis at the Alamo. We waited too long to go, and found ourselves surrounded on an open prairie. ________ troops and ______ held off several attacks; but we were outnumbered and had no water and few supplies. We had to wave a white flag of truce the following morning. _______ troops and _____ surrendered and were escorted back to __________ as prisoners.
__________ _______ was furious and ordered us to be executed. _______ troops thought they were being freed; I thought we had been assigned to a work detail but when the ____________ soldiers started shooting at us, we ran and hid in the woods, only a few of us made it. The rest were massacred, collected into piles, and burned. The battle cry would now also include, “_________________ _____________”

Draw a picture about this event in the box below

Battle of San Jacinto April 21, 1836

At 3:30, ___________ gave the order for the other commanders and ______ to form the battle lines; ________ would attack. Ironically, with no sentries posted or guards on duty, the Mexican army never heard the Texans coming. As the Texans attacked the ___________ camp, the cries of 'Remember the _________' and 'Remember _________' filled the air as Mexican soldiers who tried to surrender were cut down by revenge driven Texans.

Even though the fighting lasted less than ____ minutes, the killing continued until dark. __________, wounded and in pain, tried to stop the slaughter, but he was only one more screaming voice.

_______ troops and ______ captured Santa Anna, so he couldn't rejoin the 3,000 soldiers he had in Texas and continue the war. Later, at Velasco, ____________ _______ signed two treaties. In a public treaty, he promised to:
1. Never to fight the Texans again.
2. Remove all Mexican forces from Texas.
3. Exchange all Texan and Mexican prisoners of war.

Draw a picture about this event in the box below

Treaties of Velasco May 14, 1836

Two treaties were signed,today, by President David G. _________ & General Antonio López de Santa Anna at ___________. The public treaty was to be published immediately, and the secret agreement was to be carried out when the public treaty had been fulfilled.

Public Treaty
● ___________ _______ would not again take up arms against Texas
● Mexican forces would withdraw beyond the Rio Grande
● All property taken by Mexicans would be restored
● Santa Anna would be sent to Mexico as soon as possible

Private Treaty
● Promised to free Santa Anna immediately if he recognized _________ independence
● Santa Anna promised not to take up arms against Texas
● To give orders for all Mexican troops to withdraw.
● To work for a treaty specifying that the Texas boundary not lie south of the ________ _____________

On May 26: _______ troops & ______ received orders to keep Santa Anna because the Texas government feared that his life was in ___________ therefore the Texas government couldn’t carry out the secret treaty. On June 20: ___________ government declared void all of Santa Anna's acts done as a captive. With the treaties violated by both governments and not legally recognized by either, Mexico still claims Texas.
Draw a picture about this event in the box below


Respuesta dada por: mayaa234



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