tengo que escribir el verbo entre paréntesis en la forma correcta, porfavor ayudenme que si no no pasó de año en inglés particular :(

pues no pasea jajajajajajaja
Dear Grace:
How are you? Yesterday we went swimming in the sea. It is beutiful at the beach. The children didn´t want to go home so we stayed all day. And then in the evening we watched some friends playing football. Their team played really well and they won the match easily.
At the moment, Ashley maked lunch. I´m so lucky: he loves cooking and you know I just can´t cooked! Later today , we´re going bought a new DVD player. Ashley doesn´t like look films any more because the machine is really bad.
Have you been running recently? You said you wanted to run to marathon. I think you´re mad but..
I´ve never run a marathon but I was to the gym a few times and find it so boring! Ashley usually plays tennis twice a week, so maybe I join him one day.
Explicación paso a paso:
Espero que te ayude..