• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: mariangelsilva265
  • hace 4 años

diálogo en ingles sobre: temas de la actualidad como la pandemia ,el vivir en confinamiento y como utilizar el tiempo libre en casa. (este dialogo debe ser no menor de 15 líneas ) AYUDA PORFA ES URGENTE
ya he preguntado esto 2 veces y nadie me a respondido :(((((((


Respuesta dada por: linkozume

- Hi Paul!!

- Hi Sebas, how are you?

- tired of being home, and you?

- me too, but I'm thankful because I haven't had the virus

- really? that's amazing. I did had it and I almost died but now I'm better

- oh wow, I am happy that you have recovered.

- thank you so much

- you're welcome. Thanks to this pandemic I started to feel bad, and I went to a psychologist

- oh really? and what she told you?

- she say that I have depression, because of all these things that happened thanks to the virus

- I understand, sometimes I feel bad too, and what was her recommendation?

- she told me that I have to focus on new things and if I can I should go to the field

-oh true! in the field there isn't so much people

- exactly, well was nice to see you! but I have to go now

- oh, was nice to see you too, have a good day

- thanks, bye

- bye bye

espero que te sirva!

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