• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: yubemarlon
  • hace 4 años

Part II: (Parte II:) Underline the irregular verbs in the following sentences: (Subraye los verbos

irregulares en las siguientes oraciones:) Example: (Ejemplo:) “He wrote a book.” → “He wrote a book.”

a) She reached a new record.

b) I said the truth.

c) You made a picnic.

d) We opened the gifts.

e) The horse drank water.

f) They took a plane to Margarita.

g) He arrived in the morning.

h) The children sang Christmas Carols.​

maitegon11: reached, said, made, opened, drank, took, arrived, sang


Respuesta dada por: maitegon11


reached, said, made, opened, drank, took, arrived, sang


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