Los sustantivos contables son aquellos que se pueden contar y tienen plural. Los sustantivos no contables, o incontables, son aquellos que no se pueden contar y, por lo tanto, no tienen plural.
Most of the time mushrooms are uncountables, but It depends on how they are stored, sometimes they can be counted since they are chopped into large pieces.
Mushrooms are countable nouns
- A valid question can be: How many mushrooms are there in the fridge?. Possible answers include very specific amounts such as: There are 8 mushrooms.
- Other question: How many mushrooms do they put on the pizza? and the answer: They put 5 mushrooms on the pizza
Mushrooms are uncountable nouns
However, in most cases, mushrooms cannot be counted, since they are packed in an amount that is at first glance uncertain and can only be measured by weighing.
Here are some examples of the use of uncountable mushrooms.
- How much mushrooms are there in the fridge?'
The possible answers describe quantities in weight or uncertain measures such as: There are 100 grams, there a little, there's a lot, there's enough, there are plenty.
Para saber más acerca de sustantivos contables e incontables en ingles consulte: