¿cuando se celebra la accion de gracias?
jueves 26 de noviembre
¿como la gente agradece?
con Frases para agradecer e iniciar la cena de Acción de Gracias , el pavo .etc
¿Por qué la gente celebra la acción de gracias?
Este jueves 26 de noviembre se celebra el Día de Acción de Gracias en Estados Unidos, como recuerdo de la cena que llevaron a cabo (tras la cosecha otoñal) los colonizadores ingleses de Plymouth y los nativos americanos de la tribu Wampanoag
traducción a inglés
When is Thanksgiving celebrated? Thursday, November 26
How do people give thanks?
with Phrases to thank and start Thanksgiving dinner, turkey .etc
Why do people celebrate Thanksgiving?
This Thursday, November 26, Thanksgiving is celebrated in the United States, as a souvenir of the dinner that the English settlers of Plymouth and the Native Americans of the Wampanoag tribe held (after the autumn harvest)
1. Thanksgiving means a day to give thanks to God for the blessing of the harvest .
2. Thanksgiving is celebrated on Thursday, November 26.
3. Thanksgiving is celebrated in the United States, Canada, Argentina, Panama and Spain.
4. People celebrate with the famous turkey meal as the main dish. In addition, it is a tradition to play soccer games and watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York.
5. Because they remember the dinner held (after the fall harvest) by the English settlers of Plymouth and the Native Americans of the Wampanoag tribe.
Espero te sirva. :)