• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: 1arenecas19
  • hace 5 años

50 oraciones con Didn't use to


Respuesta dada por: Anónimo

Oh, well, I didn't use to be.

Oh, bueno, no lo era hace tiempo.

I'm sorry. I didn't use to be.

Lo siento, no solía serlo.

I didn't use to be a tadpole.

No era un renacuajo antes.

No, I didn't use to think so.

No, no lo creo.

I didn't use to talk much before.

Antes no hablaba mucho.

I didn't use to need to know.

Nunca antes necesité saber.

I didn't use to know that.

Antes yo no lo sabía.

Sometimes. But the thing is I didn't use to pay much attention.

-Sí, algunas veces, lo que pasa es que yo no ponía mucha atención en ello.

I didn't use to.

No lo solía pensar.

I didn't use to.

Antes no lo hacía.

Now I'm right back where I started just an extra girl having breakfast with a director, only I didn't use to have breakfast with 'em.

Y ahora he vuelto a donde empecé. Solo soy una chica desayunando con un director. Antes no desayunaba con ellos.

Anónimo: You didn't use to have short hair when you were in college.

- I didn't used to eat to much at breakfast, now I do.

- He didn't use to go there.

- Jackie didn't used to wear smalls skirts.

- We didn't used to play on the streets.
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