holi espero que te ayude
Verbo en inglés Verbo en español Tiempo presente Tiempo pasado Clasificación
1 Ask preguntar ask, asks asked Regular
2 Be ser o estar am, are, is. was, Irregular
3 Call llamar call, calls called Regular
4 Come venir comes, come came Irregular
5 Do hacer do, does. did Irregular
6 Feels sentir feels, feels felt Irregular
7 Find encontrar find, finds found Irregular
8 Get tomar get, gets got Irregular
9 Give dar give, gives gave Irregular
10 Go ir go, goes went Irregular
11 Have tener have, has. had Irregular
12 Know saber, conocer know, knows knew Irregular
13 Leave dejar leave, leaves left Irregular
14 Look mirar look, looks looked Regular
15 Make hacer makes, makes made Irregular
16 Say decir say, says said Irregular
17 See ver see, sees saw Irregular
18 Seem parecer seem, seems seemed Regular
19 Take tomar take, takes took Irregular
20 Tell decir tell, tells told Irregular
21 Think pensar think, thinks thought Irregular
22 Try intentar, tratar try, tries tried Regular
23 use usar use, uses used Regular
24 Want querer want, wants wanted Regular
25 Work trabajar work, works worked Regular